Fan Fiction On the edge

The fiction archived here is fan based (primarily Magnificnet Seven at the moment), erotic, mostly slash, and riding the edge of kink. Alternate universes, extreme violence, rape, and yes, a little sexually extreme and romantic, just to keep things interesting. 

By clicking the links below you are acknowledging that you are over 18 or that the viewing of such material is legal for you in your place of residence. Please don't bring trouble upon me or yourself by viewing content not deemed suitable for your age. (You don't have to agree with it, I'm just asking you to abide by it.) 

For the M7 fiction, be aware that I'm primarily a Chris/Vin fan. I play rough, but i like happy endings -- If you want some other character-centric fic, or object to slash on principle, you'll be happier elsewhere. 

I make no claims to the creation of or ownership of the characters here (Well, maybe a few of them). This site is not in any way connected to Mirisch, USA Networks, or LFN productions. no profit is had or sought.

The Universes

Escorts universe
Most of the stories here are a prelude to Fiercy's "Escorts" M7 AU, the events preceeding her stories. this section includes:
Dangerours Liaisons: The Cruise
the Bar-R Ranch
and others
Section Seven
An AU loosely based on the Series "La Femme Nikita" as well as "The Magnificent Seven." Not technically a crossover, "Section" is an elite and entirely covert anti-terrorism group with questionable goals and motives, and even more questionable ethics and methods 


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