The Salvation Futureverse by B. Stearns
(a.ka. Gekizetsu) (with sidesteps by Maygra)
(linked with permission)
All stories by B. Stearns (Gekizetsu) unless otherwise noted
Order is chronological for the series, not posting order.
Notes from B. Stearns
20 years later, things are so different that they're...still the same.
Summary of the series. 3163 words, PGPre-Salvation establishing stories
- Marked - Drama, pre series. Dean decides to get a tattoo but gets a lot more. 2542 words, PG
The Month of Open Doors series (Angst, horror, humor.)
- And Fools Shine On - | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | epilogue | - Week one: nothing in his arsenal is going to save him from his brother. 12,199 words, R for language.
- If Belief Was Enough | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | - Week two: the boys go looking for the entrance to hell. 24,720 words, PG13 to R for language.
- hidden scene: a rewrite of chapter 8 that Barb did for Maygra as a gift. It's incest,more the basis and framework of the physical intimacy that becomes a surrogate for the merging of souls. Non-graphic erotica but still an R.
- Woven | prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | final | - Week three: lightning does strike twice. 32,741 words, PG13 to R for language.
- Open Circuit: ‘Open Doors’ fic by request - an unofficial ‘what if’ that occurs immediately after chapter 2 of ‘Woven’, where the Unlocker Of Doors tries to feed on Dean. Read that first or this’ll make no sense. Birthday tale for Hope. <3. 3500 words,R for Open Doors-style Wincest, meaning sexin’ of a more spiritual variety.
- Heart & Hearth - Dean burns houses for a lot of reasons. Sam sifts ashes. Burning's just part of the cycle and goes on for a long time after the flames are out. Coda to Woven, PG-13, 4790 words. This is a bridge of sorts.
A Series of Bridges - Where the Road Changes
- The Goat in the Darkness - (by Maygra) Pre-Salvation 'verse: The Winchesters face the evil that's haunted their lives for nearly a quarter of a century. 13,457 words, PG.
- Uninvited- Pre-Salvation 'verse: Revenge felt like exhaustion, in the end.13,208 words, R for language and violence. Meant as a coda to the Month Of Open Doors where it splits off into the Salvation AU, and as a companion to Goat In The Darkness. This is about two months after the latter and shoehorns a few SII things into the AU.
- Small Town, Big Hell - “Sweetheart, if you come outside right now, I’ll give you everything you could possibly want or need for the rest of your life.” ~ Sarah Blake comes back into the lives of the Winchesters -- or they come back into hers. John, Sam, Dean, and Sarah. Hints of wincest, but not really if you look at it in the context of the whole Open Doors series. 22,500 words, light NC-17 for Sam/Sarah/Dean. She was distraught, and therefore got to sit in the middle. [/inside joke]. (for Maygra's birthday) posted 5/17/08
- Someday, Someone’s Going To Pay Me To Do This Salvation ‘verse ficlet, but pre-Salvation. Dean is still in school, and gets news. Sam fanboys his brother. 998 words, PG-13 for language.
- Morning Came In The Meantime - Humor, future-fic. Sam and Sarah have their first baby, but Sam will always be Dean's kid. 1953 words, G.
- Love and War (and other games Winchesters play) - Dean meets Dani. It does not go well. Dean is out of school and certified at this point but still doing an internship. ~7500 words, PG for language. (3/10/2008)
- Reluctant at Treacherous Ledge - Salvation AU schmoop. Dani meets Sam, Sarah and Allie. It becomes a meeting of the I ♥ Dean fanclub. Dean has no armor for that kind of deadly assault. ~2850 words (7/15/08)
- All or Nothing - Danielle and Sarah talk about what it’s like to try house-hunting - or anything - with Dean. Character study. Whose? You decide.PG, 2254 words.
- Looking Like Lions - John Winchester handles his daughters-in-law the same; it’s how they react that’s different. For girlguidejones by request. PG, 1955 words.
- Name Three Kids That You Even Know - Humor. Uncle Dean babysits. “They killed him,” Sarah whispered. “They showed no mercy.” 2886 words, G
- The Real Meaning of Fear - Five Times Dean’s Daughter Scared the Hell Out Of Him . because it won’t shut up. Five drabbles about Dean and Charlie.
- Once A Week, But For The Rest Of Your Life - Humor, drama. Dinner with a crowd of Winchesters usually involves weirdness. 2431 words, G
- Happy Ending - Humor. Domestic Winchesters! 1150 words, G
- O'er The Ramparts, We Watch'd - Humor. The Winchesters have always had a history of blowing shit up. 1434 words, PG
- Finally Gets Home (by Maygra & Gekizetsu) - Drama. Dean shuts down and only Sam has the keys. Posted 5/16/2006 Mature Audiences (slash/het/incest) (10,091 words)
- This Bitter Cup - (by Maygra) - Drama. Coda to Finally Gets Home -- Dean and Sam understand some things they wish they didn't. Adult (Language) (1,756 words)
- Lex Domicilii - (by Maygra) PG, Sarah, Dean, Sam - when you stop and think about it, being married to a Winchester would be terrifying in its own way. (3,996 words)
- Dean Goes To Candy Mountain - 1500 words, PG-13. Salvationverse. mumbles11 asked me to tell her something random about the Salvation AU at WinCon. Charlie’s choice of insult was my answer. XD There are things a parent never wants to hear. All of these things are Charlie’s favorite subjects from the moment she can talk.
- Puppy Dog Eyes - Humor. Dean watched it peel the pickles off. That's when he knew he was screwed. 1271 words, PG
- Here There Be Monsters - Horror, humor. Dean and the girls end up hunting for more than candy on Halloween. 3987 words, PG.
- How Are Your Sinuses? - Uncle Dean babysitting always makes it into the family lore.
- Sometimes, The Weapon Chooses You - Drama. Dean tries to teach one of the girls how to handle guns. 2005 words, PG
- Do You See What I See? - (by Maygra) posted 6/14/2007 For Weesta and The Sweet Charity Auction. Sam & little Mary, Dean. Mary teaches her father to see. (8,741 words) Gen.
- Salvation - 20 years later, things are so different that they're...still the same. Summary of the series. 3163 words, PG
- I Can‘t Tell You, But You Know -happens just before Disinterment. Happy-shmoop. G, 921 words
- This and More - The day after I Can't Tell You, But You Know and a good while before Disinterment. Happy-fic with a touch of angst (only the Winchesters know how to pull that off). John comes to visit. G, 1880 words, gen
- Disinterment - Horror, drama. Dean's current and former lives collide a little too hard and jeopardize everything - his career, his family, and his life. 22,070 words, gen, R for language, violence and gore.
- On Being Oldest - coda 1 - Allie and Charlie talk about 'developments'.
- Breakage- coda 2 - (by Maygra) Sometimes Sarah didn't want to know things.
- Skin Walker- coda 3 - (by Maygra) Sam knows what it feels like to live out of your own skin. (Drama, Sam/Sarah, NC17, het. 3,533 words
- Listening- coda 4 - Yeah...I left a lot of things open in that tale on purpose, PG, 1111 words.
- Second Nature - Coda 5 - Dean knows how he feels about everything and everyone, on a basic level, without talking about it. And then one event brings it all to the surface. 3800 words, PG for language and drama.
- Defensible Space - Coda 6 - Another coda to Disinterment, part of the Salvation AU, since I left so many things open. I know, I know, sorry, this again. Sam cleans up several things and tries to calm down. 2112 words, gen, PG.
- Beyond the Cursory - Coda 7 - Allie gets The Talk. Then her dad and uncle
feel each other up in the yardget a few things straight. Six weeks after Disinterment. PG-13, essentially gen, 4077 words.- Forest for the Trees - Coda 8 - It takes Charlie a few months after the events of Disinterment to run out of coping mechanisms, and when she finally does, her father can yell and yell, but one word from Sam is the end of the world. Gen, 6221 words, PG.
- Perspective - Coda 9 - About a year and a half after Disinterment. Allie is 16 and has known something for awhile. Who better to trade secrets with than Dean? PG, 2210 words, gen.
- Debriefing - Coda 10 - ~ 4150 words, PG for language. Dean still has a job...and a past...and a boss. (3/9/2008)
- Rock Of Ages - (by Maygra) All of the Winchester girls are special in their own way, but Leigh is the one who remembers. Gen, (Leigh, Sam, Sarah) (2,352 words)
- Too Much To Know (by Maygra) posted 12/22/2007, [Leigh, Sam] PG, (1,485 words. Growing up is hard.)
- The Story Hour - (by Weesta) Papa Winchester comes to dinner and is unprepared for after-dinner conversation. Gen. (John and everybody else.)
- There Won't Be Any Confusion - The littlest Winchester is six months old and it's making the adults a little trigger happy. 3382 words, PG for language.
- It's Funny Because It's True - Salvation ‘verse ficlet. Sarah and Dani talk over coffee, cookies, and Sam-John. 1321 words, G.
- Displacement (coming)
- Disambiguation (coming)
- Shift - (by Maygra) posted 9/21/2007. All audience. Somtimes you have to take things apart to figure out how they fit back together again. (5,960 words)
- Time's a'Comin' - (By Maygra) End of Days. Promises to keep. Dean, Sam, and the generations that follow. (1,889 words)
The characters and situations portrayed here are not ours, they belong to the WB. These are fan authored works and no profit is being made. Please do not link to this archive without appropriate warnings. Please do not archive these stories without permission of the authors. This universe is open.
by Scarlett_O