(n.) A group which includes the higher orders of mammals, having a large size as a typical characteristic
(n.) A group which includes the higher order of fannish fascination, having both themes and purpose, for fannish endeavors, possessing an epic scope, large size and angst as typical characteristics. 
The stories here were written, over a period of months, for the express pleasure of Megan and her Audience of One (aka Maygra). At Maygra's urging, they are now made public. Please feel free to read, comment (in private or public), or use them to line your birdcage, as you deem appropriate.
Run away! Run away!
The first few pieces I'll be posting here are not necessarily an accurate representation of my body of work. I have a taste for darkness, suffering and despair, and that is usually reflected in my fiction. For a sample of these tendencies, go here Breathing Sorrows. And if you like what you find there, check out the rest of Rachael's site
The Real Megan?
Perdition  - posted 11/28/2003

Falling Down  - posted 9/8/2003

Footsteps of Angels  - posted 6/26/2003

Body of Work (series):


At the gym: Chris Vin

Other links:
How to Write Almost Readable Fan Fiction
Macedon's Tiberna: The Craft of Writing
The Big List of Fanfic Peevesl

