Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Hunting the wild Tanner

Mag 7, ATF, Vin/Chris

Because Cee has this Vin nailed...and she's not alone. Riding on the dust trail left behind from Hallelujah and If I Fell (recced earlier) Cee gives us dynamic, and a Vin who's riding the edge of something he's not sure he wants...and then moves in for the kill with black dog to bring our blue-eyed boy to the edge of something truly dangerous.

What I like: This series, if that's what it is, is giving us a Vin who has all the guts and self-protective urges we see in the series, with the realizations of a man living in this day and age. He's both gutsy and amazingly tentative...but there's no denying *this* Vin what he wants -- even when he's not sure exactly what that is.

What's less than perfect: Damn little, because I'm loving her OC Esai in a big way, and while these are short, there's no lessening of impact. Although, there ya go -- less than perfect. There's not enough...I want more. Even with the central POV as Vin's, there's little doubt that Chris knows what he wants too...this is just an amazingly encapsualted and fully realized characterization of both men.


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