Saturday, September 21, 2002

Riding the range again

Although I may range's theme: Resistance.

Robin Serrano has joined the ranks of people seduced to the cowboy side...or seduced to the side of cowboys. Whatever works for you. *g*.

Purgatory is a rough ride to a first time, but it's got it's moments of humor and, well, in the end, it's a good ride. Mag 7, Chris/Vin. You can find it at the Slash Fiction Open Archive project.

What I liked: It's not easy. It's not love, or even lust, at first sight, and it's not a rapid give into some deep, mythical connection. They both have to work for it and against it.

What was less than perfect: There's a slide into a kind of ...flashback, except it isn't, that I'm not sure progresses anything or provides more motivation than is already provided elsewhere. Or it may just be my resistance to the episode "Obsession" as a catalyst. But it's a blip for me. A very tiny blip.

From Tes, Tea in the Sahara is a kind of mystical angst and lust fest with Chris, Vin, and Ezra. It's set in the Mag 7 AU based on Casablanca, but it has little to do with the movie or the AU in truth, save for setting. But it's sexy hot and lyrical, no matter how improbable. You'll need to get the link from the archivist at Blackraptor with an age statement.

What I liked: The AU itself is interesting, and the setting exotic -- Tes shows a good feel for both atmosphere and history -- fictitious constructs aside -- and her introduction of the Berber legend and poem that drives the whole plot is a pleasure in itself.

What was less than perfect: It is a construct. You can't get away from the idea that this is an inventive way to get the three men together in what any other story would be a pure PWP. But don't let it stop you. It's total fun, the atmosphere is dry and beautiful and the emotional resonances ring pretty damn true. Oh, and on the down side: Sand. Lots of sand. *everywhere*. Ow.

Different Cowboys. Here's me on the tail end of yet another fandom.

I've recently been introduced to Once a Thief, just in time for it to start appearing on US tv channels from it's original broadcast in Canada in 1998. Anyway, it's fun...the majority of the stories I've read have been either too, kind of, whimsical, for me to enjoy (Although I understand the series is very much like that) or just PWP's and since I don't know the characters very well, I need a bit more to get me going. Susan Smithson gives me what I want in Director's Order and since I trust her as a writer, I'm thinking the characterizations are probably pretty much on target. And then there's Anne Zo, who's work got me started on the great OaT hunt, brat that she is. So go read Going Deep which is all about not giving in until it becomes getting -- and I do like it when Mac and Vic are resisting each other's more obvious charms.


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