Wednesday, July 26, 2006

SPN Recs: The short list of Just-Too-Damn-Hot

So, after resisting mightily, I finally got a account, right? Man, remind me to never be stupid about shit like that again, because being the anal-retentive organizer that I am, the tag system allowed me to rank and file bunches of stuff under a variety of headings that make sense to me if no one else.

One of those tags is rec:Just-Hot.


Meaning these are stories that just hit my kinks for whatever reason, and they may not be your kinks, but these are the kinds of stories that just make me all happy and kind of squirmy and that I can never, ever, ever write because my brain requires all kinds of convoluted rationales and reasons and psychological profiles and quite possibly approval stamping from the State Attorney General because I am just wired that way. My monkey brain rules when I write. But my lizard brain is all about the heat, baby.

I also need to apologize to at least some of the authors because I'm pretty sure I didn't comment on all of these as posted for whatever reason -- some because I found them while skimming the whole networking feature of and there was kind of this frenzy of saving and cataloguing for a while there, that was not unlike me being the shark when the boat had just tossed chum in the water. I was mad. Mad I tell you! (like a crazy person, not like Rush I was a crazy person.)SO, I'm sorry. Please be assured that I don't rec unless I really like.

All of these except the last are Supernatural. The last one is from The Fast and the Furious. They are also not all PWP's, so be prepared to settle in for a bit when you read.

First up is kittyfisher's Synthetic Series. I was actually talking about this series at Writercon this weekend, trying to explain why I found this series so compelling, since I'm not normally one who follows or has a kink for either structured BDSM and rarely if ever find D/s something that appeals to me. Plus, the power dynamic was kind of torqued for me as far as who dominates and who subs...and yet, I love this series with an unholy glee and it was pointed out to me when I was talking about it that the real kink here is not entirely the stories or the situations, it is the way Kitty writes the situations. She totally rocks and has since I first met her in HL, years ago. There are stories in this series that I like more than others, like "Indulgences" and "Cell", but pretty much the whole thing rocks my boat, and lifts my skirt. (And I don't lift my skirt for just anybody, let me tell you.). (SPN, Dean/Sam)

Safety by . Anyone who has read any of my fic in most fandoms knows I have a slight weapons kink. Hee. I tend to veer toward the non-con end of that kink but nevertheless, there's something compelling about sex and danger and closetcrombie manages to hit the bulls-eye at twenty paces with this one. (SPN, Dean/Sam)

What He Does To Me by crazyjoyfulgirl makes me extremely happy, mostly because it would seem the author and Dean, both like looking at Sam nearly as much as I do. Mirror!Porn that hits every voyeurism kink I've got, not to mention a little soupçon of delayed gratification which is just, to my mind, the hottest thing ever. This one has a few spelling/grammar/punctuation problems but nothing that cooled down my love for it. (SPN, Dean/Sam)

Okay, rough sex. Like agitatedly, rough sex, that's consensual, that's kind of bitter and biting and incredibly hot. Control: Lost by consternatiofic skirts right on that edge of violence we know both boys are capable of, and Dean pushes buttons on Sam maybe he shouldn't, but is more than happy to suffer the consequences. (SPN, Dean/Sam)

I'm just copping to it right now. shrift gets me to read fandoms I normally wouldn't because she is just that damn good. This, however is from a fandom I was in and she just killed me with this, because what could be better than boys and cars and power plays and not making promises you know you won't keep? Getting Somewhere Fast is hot and lovely and short and she still manages to nail these characters like she had laser sights trained on them. (TFATF Dom/Brian).

Go, read. Make sure you have a fan handy for the cooling off you are going to need.


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