Saturday, September 09, 2006

SPN Recs: The (Too) Short List of Threesomes

I have, on my currently-to-be-recced list a couple of vids (wistful_fever I have not forgotten!), several longer stories to rec/review (including other stories in rei_c's Fundamental Images universe which I'm telling you about because you should read them -- and I am being unbearably slow about putting my thoughts together on this mostly because my brain explodes from joy everytime I sit down to read them,) and some artwork that I'd like people to take a look at.

But this is not that rec set.

(For further information on how and why I rec and review, please to be referring to this post [[here]].)

Like most people, I make allowances for things/people I like, just based on the fact that I like, hence my friends are allowed to be more blunt or ruder to me than total strangers, I put more weight on their opinions, etc., they have earned the privilege of a great deal of lassitude because I love them and they make me happy on general principle.

I treat my kinks with much the same general relaxation of harsher strictures. (Which may present a weird analogy to my friends, but they are, by and large, a kinky, funny, outrageously wonderful group of people, so…)

I've got a lot of kinks regarding fan fiction. They are mostly disparate, and unconnected -- i.e. my love for non-con and happy endings, my adoration for the horrifics of being forced to a violent life you never wanted and my penchant for curtain-fic. I am not, by and large, a fan of PWP's (and by that , I mean those PWP's that truly are without notable plot. All PWP's have some kind of plot, even if only to lovingly describe incredibly hot sexual acts, but I require some kind of emotional adavancement.)

I should also say that my real preference kink (especially in SPN,) is for threesome sandwiches, preferably with Sam in the middle as opposed to three people having revolving sex…not all of these fit that kink but they are heady and hot, nonetheless.

The exception to this is threesomes and it's really not so much an exception as it is the aforementioned relaxation of other requirements. I still want some kind of meaningful character interaction that goes beyond the sex itself for the most part, but in terms of sheer visceral hotness…well, what can I say, I'm happy to be so easily distracted.

These are all pretty much NC17, so you know.

Those Who Favor Fire by olivia_notebook is a perfectly short Dean/Sam/Jess story that is both brittle and soft around the edges. There's a lot of emotion packed into a little over 1,000 words.

I think pretty much everyone has read this, but for those of you who missed mona1347's Wildcat, I'm just saying, you should correct that little oversight. It's Dean/Sam/Faith (from BtVS & AtS), that's presented as a no obligation romp, that's hot and fun and yet surprisingly layered for all that.

Impertinence's And High You Fly is, at it's heart, a Sam/Dean story with all the complicated messy history and issues that go with that relationship, even without sex. However, there is a gleeful, fun, and hot side road to that journey involving Dean/Sam/Sarah (from "Provenance"> that aside from being just good in it's own right, puts a sharp edge on all the other issues Sam and Dean deal with in taking their relationship out of the brother's only realm. It's also a good, long read, with backtracks into their past that put the present into perspective.

One of the hardest things in any fan writing to do is to pull off an original character that doesn't function like a deus ex machina -- one of the hallmarks of a dreaded Mary Sue. Unless, you know, the character is actually designed to be that way -- and even that can be a tough one, because there has to be a reason and a backstory. In Cado ex Venia, acostilow manages to pull it off with her character Athena, in just that manner. She is presented, from the first, as a character of unusual (if not divine) attributes. There's some searingly hot Dean/Sam/Athena scenes and a smattering of real affection and desire between Dean & Sam while Athena watches. There's also a rather dense mythology surrounding this story that involves no only the author's exploration of the OC, but also crosses SPN with several other TV/movie based universes -- Witchblade, Buffy, and Constantine. (There may even be more that I didn't recognize.) To some extent, you have to know something of those universes (or at least the characters populating them) for some of the relationships to make sense. acostilow does a good job of at least making the pertinent elements accessible (what the Witchblades are, what Papa Midnite is, etc.) The plot itself is interesting and one of those intersections of less than benign heavenly hosts that I so love. I think it can happily be read for either the main character interactions or for the overall plot (or just for the sex [*g*]. If I have any real complaint, it's that it could use a denser narrative voice, because there's a ton of stuff going on that I wanted to know more about. But there's a little something in here for everyone and if nothing else it's just Good Fun.

With A Poodle Under One Arm, And A Two-Foot Salami Under The Other by trollprincess is a story which has also been recced a lot and with good reason. It's hot, it's funny, the structure and surprise of it makes you laugh at the same time you are fanning your flushed face. It bears up under repeated readings and the punchline (Bwha!) is priceless.

The next two in this set should rightfully be read together as they are from the same universe but by different authors (although the popular opinion is that they share a brain.) mona1347 started off with the bitterly beautiful Transmutation which posits an AU wherein Jessica did not die but is instead, saved but scarred badly. It would be hard to say whether her scars run more deeply than those left on Sam and Dean -- there is no joy in mere survival but there is hope.

That story was followed up by poisontaster's This Is How We Do It, Baby which has more implied sex than actual, but the underlying currents that drive the three of them together, as well as the ones that keep them together are still there, and there's still a wonderful and terrible sensuality to the story that for me, at least, is as good as the sex could ever be.

The last was just recently posted by poisontaster, and is part of the larger Heart 'verse, which I have previously admitted to have an unholy love for. This introduces (although not for the first time) the character of Connor, from Angel the Series, which I freely admit I have only passing knowledge of. Long Time Coming has one of those emotional underlays that make me both insanely happy because they point out and further strengthen the bonds between a favored OTP, and slightly sad because in the face of unbreakable love, those without it are often reminded painfully of their solitude. That latter perception is one of those bitter truisms that I think fanfic, more than any other genre actually explores and embraces as a reflection of real life that fan fic is often dismissed as never doing (i.e.: it's all fantasy or kink or wish fulfillment). And yet, the story itself is still warm and tender and hot and funny. PT has promised more to this story and I plan on holding her to that.

So, that's my current rec set, turning on threesomes but really, there's a ton of variety and taste here.

You are welcome to, at any time, visit my my account to see what I have on tap if you get tired of waiting for me to get my commenting shit together.

Now, if anyone wants to point me to any other truly hot, emotionally laden Supernatural Sandwiches with Sam as the creamy center…I'd be ever so grateful.


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