Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I haven't even finished sending feedback yet: REC: Indelible by Destina

Dean, Sam, John
Gen, 17,470 wds, adult

Six separate stories set in a frame and connected by keepsakes. Possible minor story spoilers.

a) Destina is an awesome writer and storyteller, so you know, comments on style and precision of language, while they appeal to my geeky structure brain, aren't where the heart of this story lies but still.... When the framing and structure make me tongue-tie, you know it's good.

b) Canon has all these little character and personality quirks, little tells, subtle indications of something bigger beneath the surface -- this story? Flips the iceberg over and then goes at it with a pneumatic icepick to let loose all those pockets of memory.

c) I am not, by most estimations a huge fan of kidfic. This however...might very well sell me ans the only clue I'm giving you is Sammy in a tree!

d) All of the Winchesters come by their somewhat less savory character traits honestly.

e) Sam taking care of Dean is still as funny as it is heart wrenching. Oh, Sam.

Go. Read. Fangirl.


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